Stone Wall Park
Scott Farm is the site of the gorgeous Stone Wall Park, a wondrous art environment of Master stone walls created by the craftspeople of the Stone Trust. Feel free to stop by the Stone Wall Park any time during daylight hours to walk among the beautiful sculptural walls. Please remember that these are works of art. Help us preserve their beauty by not climbing on the walls.
You will find many sections of walls built with features that are included in Advanced and Master Craftsman level waller tests. Stone Trust workshop participants and certification testers take apart and rebuild sections of most of these walls several times a year. Notice, too, the many types of stone used to build the walls, as well as the variety of construction methods, including the Irish Feiden wall.
Also check out the Indoor Training Center in the lower level of the 1862 Barn. Here The Stone Trust runs basic workshops and tests without having to worry about the weather. Next, grab a copy of the Dry Stone Structure Tour Map and drive through the nearby countryside to visit other fantastic dry stone features and walls.
Scott Farm now also has two public Chargepoint EV charging stations right at the farm so you can charge your vehicle while you’re exploring.
Rent a beautiful historic building from the Landmark Trust USA for your next weekend vacation and come experience all that the Stone Wall Park has to offer!
The Stone Trust
The Stone Trust, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, was created in 2010 with the mission to preserve and advance the art and craft of dry stone walling.
The Stone Trust fulfills its mission by providing education and training to hardscape and landscape professionals, homeowners, and stonework enthusiasts through an annual schedule of workshops, many of which take place at The Stone Trust Center at Scott Farm. Follow this link for descriptions of seven other training sites.
For more than a decade, the training center was the only facility in North America to provide year-round dry stone wall instruction for all people of all levels and abilities. In 2022, the Stone Trust Pennsylvania added a heated indoor training site.
The original and still primary location in North America to regularly hold Dry Stone Walling Association of Great Britain (DSWA-GB) Certification Tests, the Stone Trust Center hosts spring and fall test days for all four levels of certification. The DSWA-GB sets the international standard for Dry Stone Walling Certification. Each of the other Stone Trust training sites now offers Level 1 and Level 2 Waller certification testing.
Each year the organization schedules approximately 24 workshops at the Stone Trust Center, along with an additional 100 scheduled in the Northeast, the Southeast, the Upper Midwest, and the Rockies. Online registration is quick and easy. Stone Trust members save 10% on most workshop registrations.
Nearly 100 walling professionals from across North America support The Stone Trust as professional members. Check out their businesses and see photos of their work here. Many wallers travel widely for projects.
Amy-Louise Pfeffer, Executive Director
The Stone Trust
707 Kipling Rd
Dummerston, VT 05301
(802) 952-8600