Pick Your Own
Closed for the season. See you in Summer 2025!
Want the thrill of picking your own fruit without the worry of managing trees in your own yard? Our PYO orchards offer you a family friendly activity in a picturesque setting and the freshest fruit imaginable.
Scott Farm now also has two public Chargepoint EV charging stations right at the farm so you can charge your vehicle while you’re in the orchard. Support the local food system and sustainable energy when you drive your EV to the farm.
The Old PYO Orchard
In this PYO orchard, we have McIntosh, Cortland, Jonagold, Macoun, and Spigold apples. McIntosh is still pretty tart during Labor Day but sweetens up as we get deeper into September’s sunny days and cool, crisp nights. Cortland ripens about the middle of the month. Jonagolds and Macoun begin ripening about the third week of September with Spigold coming on at the end of the month. All trees are labeled with signs as they are ready for picking. This orchard is comprised of larger trees and might require the use of basket pickers.
In the Spring of 2023, the Old PYO Orchard was expanded to introduce 9 of our favorite heirloom apple varieties. These 250+ trees across 1.5 acres won’t bear fruit for a number of years, but it’s very exciting to look forward to! The expansion also included 2 acres of hybrid chestnut trees.
The New PYO Orchard
Across the brook from the Farm Market, in our second PYO orchard we have Contender and Red Haven peaches for the Labor Day weekend, followed by Gala, McIntosh, Red Cortland, Macoun, and Honeycrisp apples for September picking. Empire, Shizuka, and Grimes Golden apples follow in October. All rows are labeled with signs as they become ripe enough for picking. This pick your own orchard is on dwarf root stock for easier picking.
This year we are also planting an additional acre of Pink Lady, Honeycrisp, and Ambrosia apple trees. They will take a few years before they’re ready to pick but will make an excellent treat when the time comes!
No Dogs or Climbing in the Trees!
For food safety reasons, dogs are not allowed in our PYO orchards.
We also ask that kids not climb in the trees to prevent damage, both to kids and the trees!