Eco Certified
Scott Farm Orchard is part of the pioneering EcoCertified™ program developed in collaboration with a network of orchards, scientists, and other advisers. EcoCertified™ represents one of the highest standards of ecological orchard management, using advanced Integrated Pest Management practices that rely on careful monitoring and minimal risk.
EcoCertified™ is our promise to you:
We grow great-tasting local fruit, using the most ecological practices for our region.
We protect pollinators, wildlife, and people. Always.
We uphold our integrity through Eco certification* based on transparent standards.
We focus on long-term prevention, natural methods, and careful treatments when needed to manage pests and diseases that harm trees and fruit.
We build healthy soil and clean water.
We are part of a community of farmers, neighbors, employees, and eaters who help our orchard thrive.
EcoCertified™ orchards are certified by the IPM Institute of North America
We are certified for our ecologic growing practices with Red Tomato, a food distribution nonprofit rooted in the principles of fair trade, sustainability, and equity. One of their central tenants is to elevate the way in which we think about sustainable food growing practices, thus embracing a whole systems approach that works for the benefit of all parts and people in the food system.