Heirloom Apple Varieties
Lamb Abbey Pearmain
If ever an apple were to be called cute, this would be the one. Originating in Lamb Abbey, Kent England in the early 1800’s, this lime sized darling little apple packs a big flavor profile. A splattering tropical zinger, combines banana, bubble gum and pineapple to make a crunchy complex experience. Lamb Abbey is a seedling of the Newtown Pippin, which had been imported from America; its original seed was planted by Mary Anne Malcom in her garden in Lamb Abbey, making this variety one of the first English varieties with American heritage. This little treasure was such a hit that in 1819 Mary Malcom received a medal for her work from the Horticultural Society of London. Best to enjoy these little beauties fresh while counting the plethora of flavors it suggests. We begin harvest in mid-September.