Heirloom Apple Varieties

Rhode Island Greening

When one thinks of that big definitive green apple, it's often a good old Granny Smith. The Rhode Island Greening is the greater of the grannies, dating back almost 200 years further than its visual twin. Strikingly similar and often mistaken for each other - yet they hold no genetic relation. Originating out of Newport, Rhode Island, in the 1640s, the Rhode Island Greening has green-as-grass smooth skin, splattered with triangular lenticels, a barely there blush of orange, and goodness do they pack a tart and seriously strong bite for those looking for that jowl-pow. They really begin to shine superior when baked in any and all forms, either a mile high lumpy pie, or a crunchy crisp, becoming tender but not mushy, and equally delightful when dried. Additionally, the fruit mimics the tree’s famous longevity (some wizened RIG trees are known to be 200 years old!) and is excellent at keeping long into the winter months. Harvest begins early October.

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