Heirloom Apple Varieties


Originating in 17th century Denmark, from the town Grasten near the German border, Gravenstein is a hugely popular apple in the region of Sweden, Germany and Denmark. So much so that it was claimed as Denmark's national apple in 2005. Many ancient pomology books rave of its early season excellence claiming “one of the finest apples of the North of Europe” and “perhaps unexcelled by any variety of its season”

Gravenstein's skin is covered in beautiful coppery, crayon-like flames, emitting a reddish orange glow atop a yellow-green background. When we begin the Gravenstein harvest, we also begin to get excited about our sweet cider. Sweeter than most of its early season companions, Gravenstein contributes a beautifully balanced tart yet sweet and juicy berry like flavor. Exceptional fresh, enhancing the start to the sweet cider season, yet also great in sauce, pies and drying. Gravenstein generously rounds out the ‘all-purpose’ definition with early season flair. It’s available mid- August through mid-September.

For more on the history and use of this apple check out this great essay from NPR.

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