Heirloom Apples Grow Here: On Scott Farm in Dummerston, Vt more than 100 “almost lost” varieties are grown with tender care, by Natalie Wise, UpCountry Magazine, Sept/Oct 2018
Taste of the Past: Scott Farm Orchard Shares Delights of Heirloom Apples, by Eric Stanway, SentinelSource.com/The Keene Sentinel, Sept 13, 2018
Be-a-Better-Gardener: Hunting for apples? You could discover some antique treasures, by Thomas Christopher, The Berkshire Eagle, Aug 22, 2018
Best Apple Orchards in New England, by Amy Traverso, Yankee Magazine, New England Today Travel, Sept 8, 2016, Sept 15, 2017, April 23, 2018
Giving Pie the Side-Eye: How a Heirloom Apple Pie Won Me Over, by Patti Woods, Boston Globe, Jan 2, 2018
Recipe: Heirloom Apple Pie with Apple Cider Reduction, Patti Woods, Boston Globe, Jan 1, 2018
Vermont Orchards Protect Heirloom Apples, by Michael J Caduto, Burlington Free Press, Oct 21, 2016 & Green Living Journal, Fall 2017
Green Mountain Grub: The Best Things to Eat in Vermont, by Melissa Paesanen, FoodNetwork.com, March 17, 2017
Take Your Pick: So Many Places to Go for Apples in New England, by Lauren Daley, The Boston Globe Travel, Oct 10, 2015
About Apples: A Fruit’s Eye View of the World, by Garrett Heaney, The Montpelier Bridge, Sept 17, 2015
The Monk in the Apple Orchard, by Rowan Jacobsen, Yankee Magazine, Sept 2014
Local Flavor: Heritage Harvest at Scott Farm, by Allyson Wendt, Southern Vermont Arts & Living, Sept 8, 2014
The Keeper of the Apples at Scott Farm in Vermont, by Marcia Passos Duffy, The Heart of New England, 2004
Dummerston Woman Becomes an “Apple Harvest Widow” Once Again, Essay and narration by Diana Lischer-Goodband. Vermont Public Radio, 2007 & 2012.
Weekends with Yankee- Episode 105: Lost and Found, with PBS commentators Amy Traverso and Richard Wiese, April 30, 2017
The Temptation of Apple Crisp and Ezekiel Goodband Profile from The Hill Workshops, 2014