Heirloom Apple Varieties


It is worth reproducing Tom Burford’s text regarding the Smokehouse apple: 

“This is probably the apple that changed my life. On a very hot and humid late August day in 1935 my mother and grandmother went to the orchard to get Smokehouse apples, just ripening, to fry for supper. On arrival at the tree my mother said she must return to the house and ten minutes later I came into the world.”

While our experience around this apple has yet to be so dramatic, any one of us can recall the precise moment we first tried a Smokehouse apple. Some note the flavor to fill your mouth like smoke. However, it is believed the name actually derives from its original location of discovery in Lampeter Township, Pennsylvania. The first noted tree grew next to farmer William Gibbons’ smokehouse. The skin is thick, flesh crisp and bite delectable. The tree is a reliable bearer and the apple enjoys many uses, making this an excellent selection for the home grower. We harvest late September.

Currently we have limited quantities of this variety, so you may not find it available in our Farm Market.

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Note the easily apparent lenticels.

Note the easily apparent lenticels.